BronzesFoundry Medusa, bronze, 12″x24″x12″ The Creation of Medusa By Dominique Dennery July 8, 2020If you are familiar with ancient Greek…Dominique DennerySeptember 5, 2017
BronzesFoundryMedia Public Art The unveiling of Jean-Jacques Dessalines at la Maison du Citoyen (Gatineau) By Dominique Dennery November…Dominique DennerySeptember 5, 2017
BronzesMouldingSculpture Icarus, bronze, 36″x24″x18″ Icarus Rises Again By Dominique Dennery July 4, 2017As an Artist, it’s important to show our work.…Dominique DenneryJuly 4, 2017
BronzesFoundry Erzulie, hydrostone 16’’x 24’’x 16’’ Grains of Sands; An Accidental Gift! By Dominique Dennery July 8, 2020The Wise Ones say there…Dominique DenneryJanuary 24, 2017
Exhibitions Dimensions 2016 The highlight of 2016 - Dimensions : The Sculpture Exhibit As 2016 comes to an…Dominique DenneryDecember 27, 2016
blog The Gift of Art While the holiday season puts us in the spirit of gift giving, there is one…Dominique DenneryDecember 22, 2016
Studio Sisters at the Studio My siblings all have busy professional lives in the United States. So it was a…Dominique DenneryOctober 6, 2016
Fiberglass Eve is Born Again It’s been an intensive few months of work and travel, both for my consulting practice…Dominique DennerySeptember 6, 2016